About Bulldogs
The English Bulldog is perhaps the most distinct and recognizable breed in the canine world. Those cute wrinkles & that adorable little 'sourmug', it's no wonder the English Bulldog is one of the most photographed dogs in the world. But the appeal of the English Bulldog goes far beyond it's amusing appearance. He is a most lovable, loyal and family oriented companion with a desire for lots of love and attention in return. 
Bulldogs are most at home relaxing on the couch or recliner next to (or in the lap of) his owner or surrounded by his family. Although English Bulldogs can be a bit of a couchpotato they very much enjoy and look forward to playtime. And 

while Bulldogs are not
the most athletic of the dog breeds he 
may surprise you with an occasional, unexpected feat of athleticism.
English Bulldogs tend to be a little aloof or disinterested with other dogs but crave the attention and approval of their owner and family. On most occasions a Bulldog would rather sit in the lap of his owner than join in the play of other dogs. 

Bulldogs are wonderful with children. 
Their inherent tenacity has turned into a loving patience. The placid and trustworthy Bulldog will often tolerate the poking and prodding antics of the children in his human family with minimal annoyance. 
They often become the surrogate babysitter of the family.

English Bulldogs' strong will, legendary courage and incredibly high pain threshold make them rarely complain or whine. Bulldogs rarely bark without a reason or occasionally at play; another reason why they need attentive 

Though certainly not a vicious breed, English Bulldogs do show great courage and bravery in protecting their owners 
and family. Of course the Bulldogs appearance alone can be enough to deter any would be intruders. 
Yes, the Bulldog is 
basically a conglomeration of many different desirable canine qualities rolled into one cute, lovable wrinkly package that 
you can't help but love!

Click Here For More Bulldog Information! 
.Hogan  (Roxie's 2006 Litter)
.Hogan  2006 Litter
"Sir Bentley "
Panda (Roxie's 2006 Litter)
Balo (Roxie's 2005 Litter)
Balo (Roxie's 2005 Litter)
Asia, Panda & Italy Rose      
  (Roxie's 2006 Litter)
Italy Rose (Roxie's 2006 Litter)
 Panda (Roxie's 2006 Litter)
Melanie Miller - (417) 425-7625   Certified Breeder of AKC & FCI  Registered English Bulldogs 

This page was last updated: September 1, 2012